155 research outputs found

    Constrained online resource control using convex programming based allocation

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    A resource allocation algorithm aimed at embedded multi- media systems is presented. Particular emphasis is placed on computational efficiency, suitability for fixed point im- plementation and being able to solve the allocation at run- time when parameters or dynamics change. The algorithm is derived from classic convex optimization theory and the resulting real time properties are studied in simulations

    Investigating circulating microRNAs with next generation sequencing

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    Abstract In recent years focused research aimed at finding new specific and sensitive biomarkers for detection, classification and, monitoring of human cancers has been ongoing. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, 19-24 nucleotides, noncoding RNAs that are stably expressed in body fluids such as blood. These circulating RNAs have shown great promise as biomarkers, because the unique expression patterns strongly correlate with certain human diseases, including various types of cancer. These miRNAs act mainly through down regulation of specific target mRNAs in the cytosol and have been shown to be key regulatory players in several important cellular processes. In this project sequence data of circulating small RNAs, 18-30 nucleotides, from blood serum were analyzed and compared to sequence data from blood cells and two blood cancer cell lines. The results showed that a surprisingly large part of the small RNAs in human serum did not match the human genome. Moreover, the results indicate the existence of several novel miRNAs in the human genome. When comparing the most frequent RNA molecules, differences between the compared samples were striking and several well described miRNAs showed up amongst these differently expressed RNAs. Despite huge progress in recent years, there are still more research needed in this field; most likely several novel miRNAs are still to be found in the human genome and, the involvement of certain miRNAs as key regulators in important cellular processes are to be expected. In some years to come, probably some miRNAs will prove to be reliable biomarkers for some specific trait.SmÄ regulatoriska molekyler i vÄrt blod Sedan det mÀnskliga genomet kartlades i början av 2000-talet har stora upptÀckter gjorts och teknikutvecklingen har gÄtt fort. Dagens sekvenseringsmaskiner Àr kraftfulla och kan sekvensera hela det mÀnskliga genomet pÄ bara tvÄ dagar. I mitt masterarbete har jag undersökt smÄ korta RNA-molekyler i mÀnskligt blod. Denna typ av molekyler Àr mycket lovande som framtida biomarkörer för identifikation av olika typer av sjukdomar, till exempel cancer. Redan 1993 publicerades tvÄ artiklar författade av Victor Ambros och Gary Ruvkun. Artiklarna beskrev smÄ korta, ungefÀr 22 nukleotider lÄnga, RNA-molekyler som reglerar utvecklingen av en rundmask vid namn C. elegans. Dessa RNA-molekyler fick namnet mikro-RNA och författarna beskrev hur de reglerar produktionen av proteiner genom att binda och reglera budbÀrarmolekylen mRNA (messenger-RNA). Nobelpriset i medicin 2006, gick till Andrew Fire och Craig Mello för upptÀckten av RNA-interferens (RNAi). SjÀlva upptÀckten hade dessa tvÄ forskare publicerat i den vetenskapliga tidskriften Nature, i februari 1998. I korthet sÄ beskriver denna upptÀckt ett helt nytt reglersystem, som kan anvÀndas av forskare för att stÀnga av och pÄ gener. Det visade sig att RNAi och mikro-RNA anvÀnder i stort sett samma system i cellen. Tre sammanlÀnkade artiklar publicerades 2001 i den vetenskapliga tidskriften Science. I artiklarna beskrevs ungefÀr 100 stycken mikro-RNA upptÀckta i det mÀnskliga genomet. Artiklarna fick stor genomslagskraft och mÄnga forskare runt om i vÀrlden började leta efter mikro-RNA i det mÀnskliga genomet. Idag tio Är senare, finns det 2 527 stycken mikro-RNA, identifierade i mÀnniskans genom, i en databas som samlar alla mikro-RNA frÄn alla organismer. För fem Är sedan, 2008, publicerades fyra oberoende artiklar som alla beskrev mikro-RNA fritt cirkulerande i mÀnskans blod. Alla artiklarna visade att mikro-RNA var stabila i blod och pÄ nÄgot sÀtt överkom att brytas ner av enzymer i blodet som förstör RNA molekyler. UpptÀckten fick ett stort genomslag i forskarvÀrlden eftersom förhoppningar vÀcktes om att hitta sjukdomsassocierade mikro-RNA i blodet hos patienter. Vid denna tidpunkt hade mÄnga forskargrupper visat att uttrycket av specifika mikro-RNA Àr starkt kopplat till olika sjukdomar, framförallt olika typer av cancer. I mitt projekt extraherade och isolerade jag mikro-RNA frÄn mÀnskligt blod. Jag tillverkade sekvenseringsbibliotek men stötte pÄ problem i slutanalyserna. Lösningen var att ladda ner 14 stycken redan publicerade sekvenseringsbibliotek och analysera dessa mot det mÀnskliga genomet. Detta material hÀrstammade dels frÄn blod och dels frÄn vita blodceller och blodcancer cellinjer. I mina jÀmförelser kunde jag visa att en vÀldigt stor andel av de smÄ sekvenserna i mÀnskligt blod ej hÀrstammar frÄn mÀnniska. Det fanns en skillnad mellan de mest förekommande sekvenserna i blod och i vita blodceller. KartlÀggningen av mikro-RNA fritt cirkulerande i blod hos friska och sjuka individer har bara börjat och det ÄterstÄr mycket spÀnnande forskning inom detta omrÄde. Jag tror att inom ett par Är kommer flera mikro-RNA visa sig vara lÀmpliga som markörer för sjukdomstillstÄnd och för att följa sjukdomsförlopp. Handledare: Carlos Rovira Examensarbete för masterexamen - molekylÀr genetik, 45 hp Biologiska institutionen, Lunds universite

    Adaptive Resource Management for Uncertain Execution Platforms

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    Embedded systems are becoming increasingly complex. At the same time, the components that make up the system grow more uncertain in their properties. For example, current developments in CPU design focuses on optimizing for average performance rather than better worst case performance. This, combined with presence of 3rd party software components with unknown properties, makes resource management using prior knowledge less and less feasible. This thesis presents results on how to model software components so that resource allocation decisions can be made on-line. Both the single and multiple resource case is considered as well as extending the models to include resource constraints based on hardware dynam- ics. Techniques for estimating component parameters on-line are presented. Also presented is an algorithm for computing an optimal allocation based on a set of convex utility functions. The algorithm is designed to be computationally efficient and to use simple mathematical expres- sions that are suitable for fixed point arithmetics. An implementation of the algorithm and results from experiments is presented, showing that an adaptive strategy using both estimation and optimization can outperform a static approach in cases where uncertainty is high

    Optimizing Yacht Routes using Dynamic Programming

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    A method for generating minimum time yacht routes for short distances while avoiding stationary obstacles and taking into account wave and water current disturbances is sought. The method should be feasible for use in an autopilot type construction. A solution is found using an iterative forumulation of the dynamic programming algorithm on a grided state space and an implementation in ANSI C is produced. Several other approaches are also examined. Finally, some aspects of constructing an autopilot based on the algorithm are discussed

    Feedback Control of Cyber-Physical Systems with Multi Resource Dependencies and Model Uncertainties

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    The problem of modeling and controlling re- sources in a system with interaction between hardware and software is considered. A model encompassing both hardware and software dynamics is developed together with an on- line estimation scheme in order reduce dependence on a- priori information. A control structure is presented in order to control performance under constrained resource situations and to reduce effects of estimation errors and disturbances. The approach is applied to a conversational video case and evaluated through simulations

    Processor Thermal Control Using Adaptive Bandwidth Resource Management

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    An adaptive resource management system combined with a thermal controller is presented. The aim of the system is to dynamically allocate computing resources to applications competing for the same computing resources in such a way that the system is not overheated. The approach has been implemented on a mobile robot. Experimental results are presented showing the feasibility of the approach

    Lapsiperheiden kotitalouden strategiat taloudellisen epÀvarmuuden ja perhepoliittisten muutosten kentÀllÀ

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      Vuosien 2007–2008 talouskriisin jĂ€lkeinen hidas talouskasvu, epĂ€varmat työmarkkinat ja sÀÀstö-toimenpiteet, kuten lapsilisien leikkaus, ovat heikentĂ€neet perheiden taloudellista turvaa ja ajaneet lapsiperheitĂ€ köyhyyden, terveyserojen ja erilaisen pahoinvoinnin riskialueille. Artikkelissa analy-soimme lapsiperheiden arjessaan kehittĂ€miĂ€ selviytymistapoja kotitalouden strategioiden (household strategies) sekĂ€ Bourdieun pÀÀoman kĂ€sitteiden avulla. Artikkelin aineisto koostuu pohjanmaalaisten suomen- ja ruotsinkielisten lapsiperheiden haastatteluista. Tulosten perusteella julkisille palveluille ja tuille vaihtoehtoisten kotitalouden strategioiden merkitys on ilmeinen perheiden arjessa selviĂ€misen kannalta. Strategiat voidaan jakaa Bourdieun erottelemien pÀÀomien mukaisesti sosiaaliseen verkos-toon, taistelutahtona ilmenevÀÀn kulttuuriseen pÀÀomaan sekĂ€ taloudellisiin jĂ€rjestelyihin

    Financial Stress and Subjective Wellbeing among Children -Evidence from Finland

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    In this article we analyse how subjective wellbeing amongst Finnish children is associated with experiences of financial stress, that is, worries about money and one’s financial situation. We focus on both affective and cognitive components of subjective wellbeing in order to receive a broader understanding on children’s subjective wellbeing. We use Finnish data from the International survey of children’s lives conducted by the Children’s Worlds Project during the years 2013–2014. The results show that experienced financial stress is negatively and more strongly associated with cognitive subjective wellbeing than with affective subjective wellbeing, even when controlling for socioeconomic and other factors found to be influential for subjective wellbeing in previous research.</p

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    The concern for families’ wellbeing has increased in Finland during the 2000s. Despite being a part of the Nordic welfare model known for universalism, an increasingly uncertain labor market and cuts in state transfers and services have increased the distress especially in low-income, single-parent, and large families in Finland. This article aims to examine the political construction of family wellbeing in Finland in light of government programs from the period 2007–2019. The analysis is based on theories concerning the importance of political struggles and the significance of influential ideas in politics. Government programs are examined discursively by using a semiotic actant model highlighting the construction of wellbeing, policy measures, target groups, and underlying motivations. The results show that during the beginning of the study period, family wellbeing was largely constructed in the light of the economic status of families, which was seen as weakening due to increasing labor market uncertainty and a lower purchasing power of family income transfers. During the 2010s, the construction of family wellbeing became more multidimensional at the same time as it became increasingly anchored in a more modern family concept. Furthermore, there was a change in policy recommendations for enhancing wellbeing from policies advocating income transfers to ‘social investment’ policies, safeguarding family wellbeing mainly through high-quality services and parental labor market participation.Huoli lapsiperheiden hyvinvoinnista on kasvanut Suomessa 2000-luvulla. Huolimatta Suomen kuulumisesta universalismin periaatteelle rakentuvaan pohjoismaiseen hyvinvointimalliin, epĂ€varmemmat ja vaativammat työmarkkinat sekĂ€ valtion tuissa ja palveluissa tehdyt leikkaukset ovat viime vuosina lisĂ€nneet lapsiperheiden pahoinvointia, erityisesti pienituloisissa sekĂ€ yksinhuoltaja- ja monilapsiperheissĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€n artikkelin tarkoituksena on tutkia hallitusohjelmia analysoimalla, miten lapsiperheiden hyvinvointi on konstruoitu poliittisesti Suomessa vuosina 2007–2019. Analyysi nojaa teorioihin poliittisten kamppailuiden sekĂ€ erilaisten vaikutusvaltaisten ideoiden merkityksestĂ€ politiikassa. Hallitusohjelmia tarkastellaan diskursiivisesti, semioottista aktanttimallia soveltaen ja kiinnittĂ€en huomiota siihen, miten ohjelmissa tuodaan esiin hyvinvoinnin osa-alueet, konkreettiset politiikkatoimet sekĂ€ niiden kohderyhmĂ€t ja tausta-ajatukset. Analyysin tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, ettĂ€ tarkastellun ajanjakson alussa perheiden hyvinvoinnin poliittinen konstruointi kulminoitui pitkĂ€lti nimenomaan lapsiperheiden hyvinvointiin ja taloudelliseen asemaan, joiden katsottiin heikentyneen työmarkkinoiden epĂ€varmuuden sekĂ€ perhepoliittisten tulonsiirtojen reaaliarvon heikkenemisestĂ€ johtuen. 2010–luvun edetessĂ€ lapsiperheiden hyvinvoinnin kuvaukset monipuolistuivat ja rakentuivat yhĂ€ enemmĂ€n modernimmalle perhekĂ€sitykselle. Samalla tulonsiirtoihin nojaavasta perhepolitiikasta siirryttiin ”sosiaalisten investointien” politiikkaan, missĂ€ perheiden hyvinvoinnin edistĂ€minen turvataan lĂ€hinnĂ€ korkealaatuisten palveluiden avulla sekĂ€ vanhempien osallistumisella työntekoon.
